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What you need to know about these common sports injuries

What you need to know about these common sports injuries

Sports Medicine is a branch of medicine that deals with the treatment and prevention of fitness-related conditions. Here at Palm Beach Orthopedic Institute, many of our orthopedic doctors specialize in sports medicine. We provide medical care to many professional athletes, as well as patients with a very active lifestyle, who work out or play sport on a regular basis. Our physicians have vast experience with treating common sports injuries, most of which could be avoided if the patient knew ways of preventing such contusions. Therefore, we decided to provide our patients with a simply guide about the most common sports injuries. Keep reading to find out HOW you can prevent such injuries from occurring and WHERE to look for help when they do.

1. Your diet has a huge influence on the way your body works

And it doesn’t just mean being fit or overweight. What we eat influences not only our looks but our whole internal system, including our bones and muscles, and how they deal with injuries. Did you know that by choosing to eat the right kind of foods on a daily basis, you significantly decrease the risk of injury AND quicken the recovery process if the injury has already occurred? If you maintain an active lifestyle and sport is a big part of it, make sure that your diet is rich in protein and calcium. It should include products such as lean meat, eggs, nuts and seeds, dairy products and calcium supplements.

2. Knowing your body’s limits is the trick to staying injury-proof

Being too confident about our body’s ability to run faster and jump higher is actually the biggest contributing factor as far as the common sports injuries go. Most of us tend to overrate our fitness, strength or durability which leads to unnecessary risks. Knowing your body’s limits is not the same as weakness or giving up too easily. As soon as you get the difference, you will become much less prone to any injuries because you’ll know how far you can push your body without risking contusions.

3. Getting help in the right place can quicken the recovery

If in spite your best efforts you still end up with a sports injury (some of them are beyond our control), you should be careful about choosing the right kind of sports medicine specialist to make the recovery process as quick and comfortable as possible. How can you know if the doctor you are going to see about your injury is a good specialist? There are a couple things you can check before deciding:

Check for a Board Certification – board-certified doctors are required to have a lot of training and experience, which is usually a good indication of quality;
Check their online ratings & reviews – what other patients have to say about the doctor can give you a clue on what to expect.

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